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It's an eye opener for sure...

I just signed the third lease on my apartment. That means that I am starting the 3rd year of living on my own. Without a significant other. I extended my lease to end in January of 2018.  Not any longer. Not another full year. Things are changing.   My soon to be ex-husband and I tried to work it out for a bit but that wasn't going to happen. It wasn't an effort either of us felt the need to give.  And in all reality, it was more like we were pushed together (due to shitty life happenings) and we didn't really decide to try and make it work. It was forced upon us. So now mediation is upon us. Everything will hopefully be simple. Hopefully.  Another significant other? Oh hell no.  I have tried my luck on dating apps. I evidently have no luck with dating apps. I have met some shitty people. You know those kind that say they want something when all they want is to get something. There were those who said they were single, yet were not. There were those who I talked
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Jet lag -the evil of a wonderful vacation

I will be completely honest here. Jet lag kicked my ass. I ended up getting home and sleeping for 36 hours.  The good thing...I woke up in time to go to my first OTF workout.  My first time and it certainly will not be the last time.  The perfect balance of a group work out class with personal training.  Watch it HERE!! The one that sold me, besides my two friends who are addicted, would be this video. As a woman who hasn't worked my ass off in a really long time & it is a little terrifying...especially because I am not a tiny girl.  So...this YouTube video really helped me: CLICK HERE It was amazing. I felt like I might die in the middle of class but it's one hour and done. Intense and done. Heart rate monitors.  Stats emailed to you after you leave class showing calories Burned and time spent in each zone.  Not only is the class awesome and the trainers are awesome...but it's the perfect starting point. See where I am and go from there. 

A new beginning

March 22nd I am currently sitting on a plane heading back to Oklahoma from a week in London. My first trip overseas. Ever. And sure to not be the last. This all started with attempting to recreate a honeymoon. A honeymoon that J and I never had...that we were going to take together. I had a number of things planned.  A trip to help us start all over. Within the, just under, 2 years that this was being planned we determined that we would be better not being together. One of the hardest decisions either of us has ever made. We had turned into friends. Roommates. Sometimes. It even friends...sad to say. In the last two years so much has happened. So many things that I needed to happen and a number of things that I wish had never happened. Communication was always the problem with J and I. I decided that wouldn't be a problem anymore. Not for me. Not for the future. I have met a number of people that my life could have been much better without. The guy who read my profi